This study aims to describe green discourse seen from critical eco-linguistic perspective. Critical eco-linguistic is a combination of eco-linguistic and critical discourse analysis. Critical eco-linguistic examines the environmental discourse and various forms of discourses and their ideology which concerns people and the environment. This research uses descriptive approach. The data of this study are texts on green discourse taken from www. unnes. ac. id, Suara Merdeka newspaper, and Kompas news paper. Methods of data the collections are listening, literature study, and documentation. The data were analyzed by the critical eco-linguistic study. Based on the data analysis, in the green discourse texts, the lingual units found represent ideological, sociological, and biological meaning. Utilization of lingual units in green discourse will affect the sense and logic of people involved in the discourse, ie the writers and readers or the speakers and the speakers. If green discourse is constructive, then their attitude and actions to the environment are constructive. Conversely, if green discourse is more destructive and exploitative, then their attitudes and actions towards the environment will also be affected towards destruction and exploitation. For this reason, critical eco-linguistic studies in green discourse deserve to be given space as a form of prospective eco-linguistic analysis.