In the last decade, the emergence of innovative teaching methodologies such as Game-Based Learning, Flipped-Classrooms or Problem-Based Learning have meant an important change in the way students learn. All these turn the student into the core of its own education process and use participative and cooperative techniques that encourage 21st century skills as well as motivation improvement. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and evaluate the potentialities of Game-Based Learning methodology with commercial board games in higher education with special focus on students’ motivation. This investigation was an exploratory two-stage process. The first one involved three experimental interventions in courses of six bachelor degrees of Communication and Biochemistry studies (n= 196 students). In these interventions, teachers introduced commercial board games that were related with the contents of the courses and organised games among students. The second stage was data-driven. It was gathered through a survey among the students that had participated in the GBL interventions (n= 87). It included questions related with the teaching methodologies experienced at university, their perceptions about games as a teaching method and the benefits of the GBL sessions with board games. Results show that GBL sessions significantly motivated students; promoted their active participation in class and developed transversal skills such as teamwork and communication.