Local history has its point in providing information to local communities for the exemplary process. However, there are not many studies of local history to be implemented in history learning. Thus, the purpose of this study was to find the values of character education in the material for the struggle of KH Ahmad Hanafiah in defending Indonesian independence in the Lampung Residency and its implementation in learning local history. The method used is a qualitative research method with historical studies. This study uses primary and secondary sources and uses interviews as reinforcement. The results of the study are:(1) KH Ahmad Hanafiah as a local figure who fought to defend Indonesia's independence in Lampung Residency,(2) The values of character education contained in the material include: religious attitude, hard work, curiosity, love for the homeland, national spirit, and independence,(3) These character values can be implemented in local history learning through the Class XI lesson plans covering the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation in high school. It is hoped that students can imitate the figure of a KH Ahmad Hanafiah, especially for those who live in the Lampung area, and apply it in their lives both now and in the future.