With multiple approaches, methodologies and theoretical traditions involved, the body of marketing research focused on health and food has grown particularly extensive, fragmented, and difficult to navigate. Driven by the goal of synthesizing three decades of research and reflecting on its development over time, this study provides a broad bibliographic, theoretical, methodological, and thematic assessment of a selection of 190 articles published between 1988 and 2015, using systematic review and content analysis methods. The results reveal that knowledge in the field is predominantly driven by US‐authored, experiment‐based studies with statistical scope that often fail to articulate a discernible theoretical anchor. Despite a plethora of themes, the concept of health is primarily operationalized in the context of isolated, often dichotomous, product evaluations rather than in the context of everyday consumption experiences. By looking into “what,” “where,” and “how” of food and health‐related research, this study contributes to the debate about the current state and the future of this research domain.