The meetings, incentives, conventions, and events industry continues to grow, not only in the United States but around the world. With this growth comes demand for qualified, highly trained employees. Postsecondary education is the mechanism by which these employees are developed. While a previous article in this journal investigated meetings, incentives, conventions, and events coursework and programs in the United States, to date, no other research has looked at educational coursework and programming in other parts of the world. This article seeks to address this shortcoming by investigating and assessing meetings, incentives, conventions, and events educational offerings and programming in South Africa. This region of Africa has one of the most vibrant tourism economies on the continent and, commensurately, strong meetings, incentives, conventions, and events business activities. The current research assesses the educational framework in South Africa along with the institutions offering meetings, incentives, conventions, and events education, along with the courses they offer.