We explore the dependence of optical high-order sideband (HOS) spectra on the incident power and relative phase of a trichromatic driving field in a single-mode nanocavity coupled to a two-level quantum emitter beyond the weak excitation approximation. With state-of-the-art experimental system parameters, it is found that the generated HOS can be enhanced significantly, compared with the bichromatic excitation. By varying the powers and phases of the trichromatic components, a few interesting phenomena such as enhancement, suppression, and quenching of the HOS spectral lines can be achieved. For the phase dependence, it is the sum of relative phases of two sideband components of the trichromatic driving field to the central component that plays a crucial role in generating the HOS. Optical HOS spectra exhibit remarkably different features once the sum phase is changed, but are kept unchanged regardless of the respective phases when the sum phase is fixed. The influence of the other system parameters, including the emitter-cavity coupling strength and all kinds of relative frequency detunings, on optical HOS generation is also discussed in detail. The underlying physical mechanism for optical HOS generation is presented. This investigation may find applications in multimode quantum memories and information processing at a low pump power level using cavity quantum electrodynamics.