Different technologies for processing cantaloupe fruit into clarified and pulpy juice concentrates were evaluated in an effort to improve utilization of fresh fruit and trimmings from processing wastes. Fruits with rind were pressed into juice which was clarified by subsequent depectinization, centrifugation and filtration unit operations. A portion of the juice was treated with cation exchange resin to remove free amino acids. This treatment reduced the pH from 6.50 to 2.28; the pH of a portion of this juice was restored to 6.50 with NaOH. The juices were concentrated to 650Brix and stored at 250C for six months. Measurements included browning (A420nm), Hunter L* a* b* values,% haze," Brix, pH, titratable acidity, formol indices, mineral content, ascorbic acid, sugars, and nonvolatile acids. Ion exchange treatment reduced nonenzymic browning rates in clarified juices by 3-4X and also prevented haze/sediment formation. Ion-exchanged juice