Pawon Cave is one of the locations for prehistoric life discovery in West Java. Archaeological research at Pawon Cave was done since 2003 until now. Seven human skeletons from prehistoric era had been found there. Five sample for carbon dating analysis for cultural chronology show the time between 5600-11700 BP. Besides human skeletons, from archaeological excavation at Pawon Cave also found various artefactual made various of stone like chert, obsidian, and andesite, bone tools as deer antlers, and pig teeth. Bone tools are processed into single piercings, double piercings, and spatulas, jewelry from shark teeth, animal fangs, and mollusks. Food indication can know from bone fragments from various animals bone fragment, and mollusks from both freshwater and marine. Based on the results of the forensic odontology analysis, an understanding about types of materials consumed by Pawon Man is more diverse. hunting and collecting food of Pawon Man in the past, not only show by the excavation findings like animal bones remains, more specifically known from the analysis of calculus (plaque) attached to Pawon Man teeth. Based on archeological found in excavation and the result of calculus analysis can be show the Pawon Man in the prehistoric time also used as artifact and consume some source from marine.