The paper discusses the vector control of the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)-based wind turbine system. The wind energy has become an important part of power networks as demand for renewable energy has grown. Several national grid codes require comprehensive simulation studies under a variety of operating situations to ensure that the specified model has no detrimental effects on the grid. The DFIGs are now used in the majority of wind farms. The goal of this paper is to gain insight into the DFIG turbine system and create vector management to control reactive and active power exchange independently with the grid. The changes in varied parameters of the system due to wind speed variation are illustrated. In this paper, the DFIG and its numerous parts, its working, characteristics and its limits are also discussed. Then the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and additionally the rotary engine profile of the DFIG are focused. This paper describes dynamic equations of the induction machine and then vector control method by developing the equations in dq reference model and also the active and reactive power control. Finally, the concept is validated in MATLAB/Simulink. There is a tendency to observe the power flow and calculate all the mandatory parameters of the system at synchronous, sub-synchronous and supersynchronous regions.