Vinorelbine is a semi-synthetic vinca alkaloid that has been shown active in many tumour types and is currently registered for the treatment of advanced breast cancer (ABC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This agent has a generally favourable safety profile, and may be suitable for use in special populations such as the elderly and/or frail patient. However, with the taxanes firmly established as standard second line treatment for ABC after failure of an anthracycline, vinorelbine has been generally relegated for use as third line therapy, in competition with the oral compound capecitabine. More recently, the exciting results observed with the combination of vinorelbine and trastuzumab in patients with Her-2 overexpressing/amplified tumours, as well as the development of a reliable formulation and revised schedule of oral vinorelbine with proven activity in ABC appear to have revived the interest in this compound in the management of this disease. There are still a number of unanswered questions that will have to be addressed by properly designed, adequately powered randomised clinical trials.