Virtual worlds have the potential to mirror many aspects of real life. Immersive virtual worlds constructed through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) are useful in simulating the technology, equipment, and practices of many different fields. In the medical field, VR can be heavily relied upon to circumvent a wide variety of tools, human resources, and other objects that may be limited or difficult to procure at any given time. As a result, the goal of this research was to develop a low-stakes virtual environment (VE) in which medical students could practice developing skills necessary to their profession. As such, this environment needed to mirror, as closely as possible, an environment the medical students would see frequently during their practice. The result of this work is an application for use in patient handoffs, a situation where patient care is transferred from one medical professional to another. In order to achieve this, this work created a multiplayer VR environment with an immersive virtual world simulating standardized patient rooms and standard mediums of communication and interaction between users. While doing so, a framework was developed as the need for VR multiplayer, VR with voice communication, and a VR interaction system was seen to be needed for future VR multiplayer applications. This framework can be used to construct more applications for communication fueled environments, like the patient handoff.