Future transportation systems will require a number of drastic measures, mostly to lower traffic jams and air pollution in urban areas. Automatically guided vehicles capable of driving in a platoon fashion will represent an important feature of such systems. Platooning of a group of automated wheeled mobile robots relying on relative sensor information only is addressed in this paper. Each vehicle in the platoon must precisely follow the path of the vehicle in front of it and maintain the desired safety distance to that same vehicle. Vehicles have only distance and azimuth information to the preceding vehicle where no inter-vehicle communication is available. Following vehicles determine their reference positions and orientations based on estimated paths of the vehicles in front of them. Vehicles in the platoon are then controlled to follow the estimated trajectories. Then presented platooning control strategies are experimentally validated by experiments on a group of small-sized mobile robots and on a Pioneer 3AT mobile robot. The results and robustness analysis show the proposed platooning approach applicability.