Zakat has an important role in poverty alleviation, there is research conducted Institution on Manajemen Zakat (IMZ) on the performance of zakat 16 zakat managers (BAZ and LAZ include BAZNAS) on 2011, 2012, and 2013. As a result, the amount of poverty mustahik can be reduced by 21, 11%. Blessing of zakat is seen from the time of poverty alleviation, ie without zakat program, it takes 7 years, but with the intervention of zakat to 5.1 years That is, zakat programs can speed up the time to alleviate poverty 1, 9 years. Although new around 1% funds raised from that potential Rp217 trillion, the zakat has been felt by the benefits 9% the poor in Indonesia. When the awareness movement to pay zakat continue dilakukaan so that the potential of a large zakat, which is about Rp 217 trillion per year can be achieved, then so many benefits of the people (community) that can be realized with the wealth of zakat. This is certainly very much in line with the idea Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2016-2030) actually a continuation of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs 2000-2015). he SDGs have 17 goals and 6 goals in line with the purpose of zakat among others (no poverty, zero hunger, Good Health and well-being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Reduced inequalities).