Ever since Christopher Hill and RH Tawney initiated the great debate on the origins of the civil war in the early 1940s it has become increasingly fashionable to regard the middle …
Originally published in 1952 but here reissuing the updated edition of 1978, this book has long been established as a classic and a central text for students of seventeenth-century …
This is an agreeable narrative, easy to read, of the history of the English nation through twenty centuries. It is intended for the reader who wants a comprehensive survey that brings …
The History of English Affairs, covering the years 1066-1197, was written at the close of the twelfth century and has been described as being" both in substance and in form... the finest …
THE Second Part of this work is twice as long as the First Part, although it runs over only four years and a few months, or about one-third of the time surveyed in the First Part. This want of …
B Ward-Perkins - The English Historical Review, 2000 - JSTOR
ETHNIC and national identities have historical roots, b concatenation of events that brought them into being, and in the simplified historical myths by which they are sustained. The …
AMERICAN citizens can never be indifferent to the history of the struggles for freedom in the land of their fathers; and there is no more appropriate study for our youth than a careful …