M Wright - The British Journal of Criminology, 1970 - JSTOR
Method The survey was based on the main subjects of articles, items in the current survey of research and methodology, and notes, published in the Journal from BJD 1, No. 1 to BJC 10 …
This remarkable guide to delinquency studies was co-winner of the 1968 C. Wright Mills Award for the best book in the field of social problems. The work is in effect three books in …
CRAY JEFFERY - Journal of research in crime and …, 1993 - journals.sagepub.com
An overall comment I would make on four of these articles, excluding the one by McCord, is that they approach criminological theory and research as a little spit here, a little glue there …
EDITORIAL POLICY: The journal is interdisciplinary in nature, devoted to crime and deviant behavior, as found in the disciplines of law, criminal justice, and the social and behavioral …
ers throughout the world. It is devoted to reports of original research in crime and delinquency, new theory, and the critical analysis of theories and concepts especially …
Hirschi and Selvin's text will prove exceptionally useful to those engaged in positivist criminology. They discuss in detail, and with good examples, the more fundamental errors …
J PETERSILIA - Journal of research in crime and …, 1993 - journals.sagepub.com
Twenty-five years ago, President Lyndon Johnson appointed a commission to assess the nation's crime problems and to recommend appropriate changes in the justice system. The …
Criminology. Institute P ine 1, 800 Gouin Blvd., Montreal, PQ $5.00. This conference took place in Mont real in 1964 and its proceedings were published in 1965. A total of thirty-eight …
DC Gibbons - Crime & Delinquency, 1990 - journals.sagepub.com
During the time that I have been editor of Crime and Delinquency, I have on a couple of occasions authored or co-authored (with Kathryn Farr) statements of editorial concern or …