The geometry and kinematics of rifts are strongly controlled by pre-existing structures that may be present in both the crust and the mantle lithosphere. In the Gulf of Aden, the Tertiary …
A Chattopadhyay, M Chakra - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2013 - Elsevier
Pervasive mechanical anisotropy (eg metamorphic foliation) in the pre-rift basement rocks often appears to control the orientation of new faults in natural rift systems, and thus tend to …
Continental rifting is a geodynamic process that involves the breakup of the crust and may eventually evolve to seafloor spreading. Although it is often assumed to be a product of …
Pre‐existing crustal structures are known to influence rifting, but the factors controlling their influence remain poorly understood. We present results of digital image correlation that …
Inherited crustal weaknesses have long been recognized as important factors in strain localization and basin development in the East African Rift System (EARS). However, the …
Tectonic inheritance deals with the influence of pre-existing or pre-rift elements on the geometry, genesis and propagation of rift-related faults. Inheritance strongly controls the …
During rifting, pre‐existing penetrative basement fabrics can affect new faults in cover rocks by a mechanism that does not appear to involve reactivation. This subtle form of inheritance …
In this synthesis of current models for the initiation and evolution of continental rift zones, we discuss how the thermo-mechanical properties of the continental lithosphere produce …
Analysis of structural rift architecture shows that the graben formation is commonly controlled by the contemporaneous activity of two fault trends with an angular obliquity of …