As this Preface is being written, the twentieth century is coming to an end. Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the century of information, just as its predecessor is associated …
These notes were written over a period of years as part of an advanced undergraduate/ beginning graduate course on Algebraic Coding Theory at Michigan State University. They …
AD Wyner - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1970 -
In this tutorial paper we consider the problem of the transmission of data from a general class of information sources over a general class of communication channels. The problem …
WC Huffman, JL Kim, P Solé - 2021 -
Most coding theory experts date the origin of the subject with the 1948 publication of A Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude Shannon. Since then, coding theory has …
This easy-to-read guide provides a concise introduction to the engineering background of modern communication systems, from mobile phones to data compression and storage …
Information theory has helped communication technology to a great extent during the last half-century. published a special issue in October 1998 [1], edited by Verdú and McLaughlin …
The material in this book is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under CAREER grant CCF-0844796. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations …
It is gratifying that this textbook is still sufficiently popular to warrant a third edition. I have used the opportunity to improve and enlarge the book. When the second edition was …
Offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental structures and applications of a wide range of contemporary coding operations This book offers a comprehensive …