The genera of Rhamnaceae in the southeastern United States

GK Brizicky - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1964 - JSTOR
The small, generally inconspicuous flowers, which always have a floral tube formed by the
fusion of basal parts of the perianth and androecium, are mostly bisexual. Unisexual flowers …

The genera of Rutaceae in the southeastern United States

GK Brizicky - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1962 - JSTOR
Armed or unarmed trees or shrubs [sometimes scandent or xeromorphic], rarely herbs.
Leaves alternate or more rarely opposite, simple or compound, usually glandular-punctate …

The genera of Burmanniaceae in the southeastern United States

CE Wood - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1983 - JSTOR
Annual (or perennial), autotrophic, partly autotrophic, or achlorophyllous" saprophytic"
herbs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, exstipulate, mostly reduced to scales, the …

The Phrymaceae in the southeastern United States

JW Thieret - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1972 - JSTOR
A monotypie family 2 of herbaceous dicotyledons distinguished by per-fect, hypogynous,
zygomorphic flowers; synsepalous calyx with the 3 upper lobes subulate and hooked; …

The genus Reverchonia (Euphorbiaceae)

GL Webster, KI Miller - Rhodora, 1963 - JSTOR
Reverchonia, a monotypic genus of the subfamily Phyl lanthoideae, has been placed in the
subtribe Phyllanthinae adjacent to Phyllanthus (Pax and Hoffmann, 1931). The single …

The genera of the Urticaceae in the southeastern United States

NG Miller - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1971 - JSTOR
Taprooted and rhizomatous annual and perennial herbs [or shrubs, rarely large trees], with
watery [rarely milky] sap, generally provided with a vesture of some kind, sometimes with …

The status and distribution of some Cyperaceae in North and South America

H O'Neill - Rhodora, 1942 - JSTOR
44 Rhodora[February 1757 as including Haller's Mariscus and Schoenus Mariscus L.
However, a year previously Patrick Browne6 published a West Indian species (of Mariscus …

The genera of Geraniaceae in the southeastern United States

KR Robertson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1972 - JSTOR
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs [infrequently shrubs to trees; stems sometimes
succulent] with simple and often glandular trichomes; underground stems, rhizomes …

A monograph of the genus Acranthera Arn. ex Meisn.(Rubiaceae)

CEB Bremekamp - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1947 - JSTOR
Jack described in 1822 (Mai. Misc. 2: 84) a new genus Psilobium based on two species
discovered by him during his travels in Benkulen. The specimens which served for the …

A revision of the genus Acronychia (Rutaceae)

TG Hartley - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1974 - JSTOR
The genus Acronyckia JR & G. Forster is known to occur naturally from India east to
southwest China and Taiwan, southeast throughout Malesia to the Solomon Islands, New …