Usually producing fewer bulblets than C. dentatus, and in its elon gate spikelets and less prominent scale-tips appearing quite distinct. Numerous transitional specimens occur …
44 Rhodora[February 1757 as including Haller's Mariscus and Schoenus Mariscus L. However, a year previously Patrick Browne6 published a West Indian species (of Mariscus …
While recently using Torrey's" Monograph of North Ameri can Cyperaceae"(Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 3: 239-443. 1836). I found that five species and two …
The genus Eriophorum, familiarly known as Cotton Grass, is gen erally distributed in the boreal regions of the northern hemisphere; and on account of its conspicuous perianth the …
NL Britton - Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 1884 - JSTOR
Cyperus erythrorhizos, Muhl.-A form only three or four inches high, caespitose; resembling the var. pimius, Engelmann, in Torrey Herbarium, from St. Louis, to which I refer also the C …
J Torrey - Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, 1828 - Wiley Online Library
'I 'HE nataral family CYPERACEE comprehends at Ieaet 16m recorded species, and about 100 genera. It belongs to the great class Endogena, and the cohort Glumaceae. On the one …
Carexflava L. and its closest allies, bearing yellowish or yellowish-green utricles at maturity, occur all round the North Temperate regions, and they are becoming much better known …
In the second edition of the Species Plantarum, however, Linnaeus added to his Eriophorum, E. cyperinum, 2 the type of a large American group of species, the Wool …
GC Tucker - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1987 - JSTOR
'Prepared for the Generic Flora of the Southeastern United States, a long-term project made possible by grants from the National Science Foundation and at this writing supported by …