An answer to the question:'What is poststructuralism?'

BE Harcourt - University of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper, 2007 -
What is poststructuralism? It has always struck me as odd that so many critical theorists are
reluctant to offer an answer to this question. In this essay, I unpack the term and provide a …

Post-structuralism, the ethical relation, and the law

D Cornell - Cardozo L. Rev., 1987 - HeinOnline
" Let us descend a little lower and consider one of those mysterious creatures who live, as it
were, off the leavings (d6jections) of the big city.... Here we have a man whose task is to …

Pragmatist and poststructuralist critical legal practice

MJ Radin, F Michelman - U. pa. l. Rev., 1990 - HeinOnline
Academic legal thought might be more concentratedly selfcritical than it usually is. We, its
producers, could and should learn to be more habitually reflective-about the social, cultural …

Dewey and Posner on pragmatism and moral progress

R Rorty - The University of Chicago Law Review, 2007 - JSTOR
I was greatly honored to be asked to give the Dewey Lecture, and very happy to have an
occasion to revisit my old university. I entered the so-called" Hutchins College" in 1946, and …

Alternatives to Originalism

FH Easterbrook - Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y, 1995 - HeinOnline
" Alternatives to Originalism." What a title. Are there alternatives to originalism? The subject
conjures up the old exchange:" Do you believe in infant baptism? Hell yes, I've seen it done!" …

" Just Do It": Pragmatism and Progressive Social Change

LA Baker - Virginia Law Review, 1992 - JSTOR
vYv change? This question has been central to the recent renaissance of pragmatism within
the legal academy. Not surprisingly, the scholars who have examined this question have …

Commodity form and legal form: An essay on the “relative autonomy” of the law

ID Balbus - Law & Society Review, 1977 -
After a good deal of thought I have decided not to respond directly to Professor Trubek's
exhaustive review of The Dialectics of Legal Repression, but will rather leave it to readers of …

On Legal Pragmatism: Where Does" The Path of the Law" Lead Us?

S Haack - Am. J. Juris., 2005 - HeinOnline
When I think... of the law, I see a princess mightier than she who once wrought at Bayeux,
eternally weaving into her web dim figures of the ever-lengthening past,—figures too dim to …

Interpreting the law: Hermeneutical and poststructuralist perspectives

DC Hoy - S. Cal. L. Rev., 1985 - HeinOnline
Hermeneutics is the field of philosophy most concerned with investigating the nature of
understanding and interpretation. Hermeneutic philosophers usually engage in constructing …

Darwin's new bulldog

R Dworkin - Harvard Law Review, 1998 - JSTOR
Richard Posner's jeremiad is his third attack in recent months' on what he calls" moral
theory." 2 One of his earlier essays was a response to a lecture of mine, and I in turn …