Theology of the Word of God in the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini by Benedict XVI

J Królikowski - Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2023 -
The theology of the word of God is one of the leitmotifs of Joseph Ratzinger's entire theology,
and in a way its culmination is the apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini, which, although …

Benedykta XVI hermeneutyka wiary

S Szymik - The Biblical Annals, 2012 -
In the “Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini” Pope Benedict XVI discusses the
application of biblical analysis that is based on historical research and theological exegesis …

Duch Święty a Kościół w ujęciu Benedykta XVI

J Warzeszak - Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, 2013 -
The author of the article presents the role and place of the Holy Spirit in the Church on the
basis of Pope Benedict XVI's homilies, speeches, the Wednesday catecheses and fragments …

Foundations of the Definition of Faith in Dialogue with Porta Fidei by Benedict XVI

D Wąsek - Roczniki Teologiczne, 2015 -
Faith is closely linked with love. Acts of charity are what proves that we are believers and
they can also serve as arguments for unconscious faith among the non-religious. If the …

Evangelii gaudium o homilii jako części liturgii

L Szewczyk - Roczniki Teologiczne, 2014 -
Apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, often called a programme document of the
pontificate of pope Francis, touches upon many subjects. One of the dominant topics of this …

[PDF][PDF] Topicality of the Second Vatican Council Constitution Dei Verbum in Contemporary Biblical Studies

B Zbroja - Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny, 2013 -
The article discusses the issue of how strongly contemporary ecclesiological and scholarly
approach to the Sacred Scripture is rooted in the Second Vatican Council Constitution Dei …

Credo in Patrem: Paterological Elements in the Teaching of Benedict XVI

A Sosnowski - Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2024 -
The aim of this article is to present the paterological elements in the teaching of Benedict
XVI. These elements appear as relevant when the Pope discusses other truths of faith. Thus …

Zwiastowanie Słowa Bożego w świetle dokumentów Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w RP

D Chrzanowski - Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017 -
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland referring to the ancient
traditions of the Christian Church and the Reformation, it emphasizes the importance of …

Duchowość głosicieli Ewangelii

G Siwek - Roczniki Teologiczne, 2014 -
The aim of the paper is to present the basic content of the spirituality of evangelists
contained in the fifth chapter of the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis Evangelii gaudium …

Verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei in Benedict XVI's Writings and the Object and Method of Biblical Exegesis

W Linke - Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2024 -
This article deals with the development of biblical exegesis in the light of the theory of
knowledge and methodology, which operates on the concepts of verbum abbreviatum and …