from the hip” on human cloning Page 1 S GGLS Politicians accused of "shooting from the hip” on human cloning [wASHINGTON] US scientists and bioethicists reacted with alarm last week to …
Abstract Informs that a United States presidential advisory commission on bioethics is expected to recommend in May 1997 a continuation of a ban on the use of federal funds for …
Looks at the flood of calls for an international ban on the use of human cloning techniques for reproduction as of May 1997. Results from a report by a working group on cloning set up …
Tremendous debate was stirred by the announcement of the successful cloning of a sheep from a differentiated somatic cell. One result was that the National Bioethics Advisory …
HUMAN CLONING should be put on hold—but only temporarily, the National Bioethics Commission concluded in a report issued last month." Clearly, there is a need for further …
Appeals to human dignity, and to the moral obligation to protect it, have been a feature of responses to the cloning of Dolly the sheep (Nature 385, 810–813; 1997). Dr Hiroshi …
The news of the first successful cloning of an adult mammal has sent ethical shock waves around the world. As a result, in many countries, officials and even some scientists are …
Battle heats up over cloning Battle heats up over cloning Abstract The countdown to next month's expected vote in the Senate over human cloning began in earnest last week with …
The United States and its European allies are once again on a collision course over an international agreement. This time, the bone of contention is a proposed global ban on …