M Čamo - PREGLED-časopis za društvena pitanja, 2020 - ceeol.com
Although the concepts of childhood are susceptible to change, because they are based in a particular time and socio-cultural space, the fact is that (post) modern society establishes a …
In contemporary age, it is not possible to image a life of a child, adolescent, as well as an adult outside of the media context. Everybody, according to their own needs, chooses …
The study analyzes the image of the child in the media contents intended for adult audiences in Serbia, considering the importance of the role media play in shaping public …
Sažetak The art collections of the noble families of Eastern Croatia have recently been the subject of intensive research, especially in the light of the question of the provenance of …
Z Opačić - Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu nastavu, 2015 - bic-pk.ceon.rs
In the paper, we are starting from the cultural approach according to which significance of a literary piece comes from certain cultural and social context. In literature for children, this …
Photos and postcards of the early 20th century reveal the staging of age as an interesting and unexplored problem. These postcards represent children in idealized and staged family …
Child is one of the most sensitive issues of societies and states in all around the world. Also,“childhood” is such a stage of life that arouses the interest of every segment of society …
Children and youth are present in almost every form of media. The starting point of this thesis was the desire to investigate how children and young people are presented in the …
V Jakubovská - … CONFERENCES ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS …, 2014 - elibrary.ru
In the center of our attention is the Slovak cultural tradition in the period of post-modernism, focused on some selected issues associated with the imaging of the human body in the …