Introduction The American labor system has been shaped by historical White1 male domination that continues to subordinate people of color and women. The authors agree …
TA Baron - University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1994 - JSTOR
Despite women's' recent gains in fields that have been histori-cally dominated by men, the upper reaches of most professions remain disproportionately male. 2 Thus, although the …
In 1989, Kim Crenshaw published an essay entitled" Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and …
Black women2 in America3 have always been workers-as slaves, farmers, domestics, skilled and unskilled laborers, and even, in small numbers, as professionals. Their ability to find …
Let me commend the students who have created this journal and organized this symposium. Thank you for letting me share in the fruits of your struggles. I come to you today from …
Once again, recent incidents have revealed that the colorblind thesis, the notion that" race, 4 does not or should not matter and that society and its laws are or can be colorblind, is simply …
S Sturm - U. Pa. J. Lab. & Emp. L., 1997 - HeinOnline
We are at an important juncture in the development of race and gender policy in this country. The prevailing regulatory framework erected in the 1960s and 1970s to address …
Imagine a plaintiff's employment discrimination lawyer-let's call her Zoe-meeting a new client. Austin, the new client, tells Zoe a familiar story. He believes he wasn't promoted at …
Almost everyone in the United States is likely to experience or have experienced racial emotion in the workplace. One person feels uncomfortable making conversation with her …