KR Robertson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1971 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for a generic flora of the southeastern United States, a joint project of the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University made possible through the support …
EJ Palmer - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1921 - JSTOR
Most of the collecting season of 1919 was spent by the writer in making a botanical reconnaissance of several of the southern counties of Illinois for the Arnold Arboretum. The …
LI Nevling - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1962 - JSTOR
Erect shrubs [sometimes dwarf or climbing; trees, lianas, rarely herbaceous annuals]; stems generally with a layer of tough cortical fibers, often with internal phloem. Leaves alternate …
GK Brizicky - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1962 - JSTOR
Armed or unarmed trees or shrubs [sometimes scandent or xeromorphic], rarely herbs. Leaves alternate or more rarely opposite, simple or compound, usually glandular-punctate …
SA Graham - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1964 - JSTOR
Herbs or shrubs [rarely small trees], with quadrangulate or terete stems. Leaves opposite, seldom alternate or whorled, simple, entire, exstipulate. Flowers regular or irregular, axillary …
CE Wood, RE Weaver - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1982 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for the Generic Flora of the Southeastern United States, a project of the Arnold Arboretum currently made possible through the support of the National Science Founda-tion …
IK Ferguson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1965 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for a generic flora of the southeastern United States, a joint project of the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University made possible through the support …
KR Robertson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1972 - JSTOR
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs [infrequently shrubs to trees; stems sometimes succulent] with simple and often glandular trichomes; underground stems, rhizomes …
GK Brizicky - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1961 - JSTOR
* Prepared for a biologically oriented generic flora of the southeastern United States, a joint project of the Gray Herbarium and the Arnold Arboretum made possi-ble through the support …