We propose a robust and reliable method of active mode locking of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers and develop its theoretical description. Its key element is the use of an …
Quantum cascade lasers (QCL) have revolutionized the generation of mid-infrared light. Yet, the ultrafast carrier transport in mid-infrared QCLs has so far constituted a seemingly …
The recently discovered ability of the quantum cascade laser to produce a harmonic frequency comb has attracted new interest in these devices for both applications and …
We present homogeneous quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) emitting around 3 THz which display bandwidths up to 950 GHz with a single stable beatnote. Devices are spontaneously …
Recent research has shown that free-running quantum cascade lasers are capable of producing frequency combs in midinfrared and THz regions of the spectrum. Unlike familiar …
The dynamics of a multimode quantum cascade laser, are studied in a model based on effective semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch equations, encompassing key features for the …
Frequency comb formation in quantum cascade lasers is studied theoretically using a Maxwell-Bloch formalism based on a modal decomposition, where dispersion is considered …
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) facilitate compact optical frequency comb sources that operate in the mid-infrared and terahertz spectral regions, where many molecules have their …
The generation of mid-infrared pulses in monolithic and electrically pumped devices is of great interest for mobile spectroscopic instruments. The gain dynamics of interband cascade …