The past few years have witnessed a growing interest in the application of the mechanics of plastic deformation of metals to a variety of engineering problems associated with structural …
The analysis of combined loadings in the plastic range, very important both from the theoretical and from the engineering viewpoint, is one of the more difficult branches of the …
Reissued in the Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences series, and first published in 1950, this important and classic book presents a mathematical theory of plastic materials …
This book is an outcome of lectures that I began giving at the University of Illinois in 1925 and continued to give at Harvard University during most of the years since 1936. Naturally …
Since the pioneering work of Tresca in 1864, many talented engineers and applied mathematicians have contribuited to the theory of metal plasticity, developing an elegant …
Based on the author's series of lectures at the Mechanics-Mathematics Faculty of the University of Leningrad, this text is primarily concerned with the plastic deformation of metals …
This book focuses on the theoretical aspects of small strain theory of elastoplasticity with hardening assumptions. It provides a comprehensive and unified treatment of the …
This book focuses on the plastic property of materials, and the way in which structures made of such material behave under load. It is intended for civil, mechanical, electro-mechanical …
DC Drucker - 1988 -
The development and the present state of a few key aspects of the theory of plasticity are sketched as a guide to the literature for those new to or not centrally involved in the subject …