I Atikah - Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan, 2020 - jurnalhukumdanperadilan.org
The article has questions from the background of the research as follows: how to protect consumers fintech transactions from financial technology companies? What are the …
Objective: This study aims to identify how progressive the legal protection for borrowers as a fintech lending service user is and how the business dispute resolution model for these …
Abstract Introduction to The Problem: The use of information technology innovations in banking today through digital platforms or online or known as financial technology …
PMD Putri - Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia, 2022 - ojs.bdproject.id
The development of innovative technology in the financial sector in Indonesia is now entering the stage of technological adaptation. This can be seen from the emergence of …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, pertama, mengetahui kedudukan hukum dari Fintech yang tidak terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; Kedua, Untuk mengetahui upaya Otoritas Jasa …
Era industri 4.0 seperti sekarang ini, kemudahan dan kecepatan mendapatkan sesuatu sangat dicari, termasuk kemudahan dan kecepatan untuk mendapatkan layanan keuangan …
Illegal fintech is one of the main issues not fully addressed in the digital finance sector in Indonesia despite various legal regulations. This condition shows that the fintech legal …
Illegal fintech is one of the main issues that has yet to be fully addressed in the digital finance sector in Indonesia, despite various legal regulations that have been issued. This …