Human cloning: is the reach of FDA authority too far a stretch

GJ Rokosz - Seton Hall L. Rev., 1999 - HeinOnline
On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep was born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland'and became the
first offspring born as the result of the transfer of genetic material from a differentiated adult …

The Case Against Human Cloning

VJ Ehlers - Hofstra L. Rev., 1998 - HeinOnline
In 1997, the announcement of a cloned sheep ignited an international discussion that
continues still today. The scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, claimed …

[PDF][PDF] Legal responses to the potential cloning of human beings

H Forster - Valparaiso University Law Review, 2011 -
The media frenzy and widespread public discussion regarding human cloning began in late
February 1997 when the world learned of the first successful cloning of a sheep'by somatic …

No worldwide consensus: The United Nations declaration on human cloning

C Jarrell - Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L., 2006 - HeinOnline
Ever since the cloning of Dolly the sheep by Scottish scientists in 1996, nations around the
world have been concerned about controlling the controversial science of human cloning. 1 …

Human Cloning: Brave New Mistake

S Kolehmainen - Hofstra L. Rev., 1998 - HeinOnline
Until recently, discussions about human cloning were conducted within the realm of science
fiction and fantasy. However, with the successful cloning of the sheep" Dolly" in 1997, it …

Human cloning: science fact and fiction

MA Goldman - S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ, 1998 - HeinOnline
The scientific, religious, ethical, and legal worlds were" caught napping by clones" 1 in
February of 1997, when a team led by Scottish embryologist Ian Wilmut announced the …

Human cloning: the role of law

SR Martyn - U. Tol. L. Rev., 2000 - HeinOnline
THIS article addresses the legal issues we all will face should human cloning become a
reality. Specifically, I address here the question of not what law can do, but how our society …

Is There a Right to Clone Constitutional Challenges to Bans on Human Cloning

LB Andrews - Harv. JL & Tech., 1997 - HeinOnline
On December 5, 1997, Richard Seed shocked the scientific community by announcing that
he intended to begin cloning human beings. 2 Seed planned to use the techniques that Ian …

The wisdom of repugnance: Why we should ban the cloning of humans

LR Kass - Val. UL Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
Our habit of delighting in news of scientific and technological breakthroughs has been sorely
challenged by the birth announcement of a sheep named Dolly. Though Dolly shares with …

1997 California Legislative Service 688 (West)-Human Cloning

K Abel - Berkeley Tech. LJ, 1998 - HeinOnline
Dolly the Sheep was born July 5, 1996, in Edinburgh, Scotland. 1 Seven months later, it was
announced that Dolly was the first delayed genetic twin of an adult mammal. 2 In other …