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The news of the first successful cloning of an adult mammal has sent ethical shock waves around the world. As a result, in many countries, officials and even some scientists are …
Tremendous debate was stirred by the announcement of the successful cloning of a sheep from a differentiated somatic cell. One result was that the National Bioethics Advisory …
The announcement of the sheep Dolly's birth triggered a worldwide discussion about the scientific, legal, and social ramifications of applying that technology to the creation of cloned …
Reports on the controversy in the United Kingdom surrounding the successful cloning of a lamb from an adult sheep. The fear that cloning humans may not be not illegal under current …
To the uninitiated, it seemed like an arcane scientific argument. In September 1998, some 18 months after Dolly the cloned sheep was unveiled to the world, her creators issued a …
He seemed an unlikely “man of the hour,” as ABC anchor Ted Koppel referred to him in a Nightline interview last week. But when a gangly 69-year-old physicist named Richard Seed …
In late February 1997, the world learned that Dr. Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, had successfully cloned an adult sheep. The cloned …
R Jaenisch, I Wilmut - Science, 2001 -
The successes in animal cloning suggest to some that the technology has matured sufficiently to justify its application to human cloning. An in vitro fertilization specialist and a …