We consider the problem of learning a sparse graph underlying an undirected Gaussian graphical model, a key problem in statistical machine learning. Given $ n $ samples from a …
V Sadhanala, YX Wang… - Artificial Intelligence and …, 2016 - proceedings.mlr.press
Given a statistical estimation problem where regularization is performed according to the structure of a large, dense graph G, we consider fitting the statistical estimate using a\it …
We consider a fundamental algorithmic question in spectral graph theory: Compute a spectral sparsifier of random-walk matrix-polynomial $$ L_\alpha (G)= D-\sum_ {r= 1} …
G Bravo Hermsdorff… - Advances in Neural …, 2019 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Abstract How might one``reduce''a graph? That is, generate a smaller graph that preserves the global structure at the expense of discarding local details? There has been extensive …
The present thesis focuses on the design and analysis of randomized algorithms for accelerating several linear algebraic tasks. In particular, we develop simple, efficient …
Many real-world data sets are sparse or almost sparse. One method to measure this for a matrix $ A\in\mathbb {R}^{n\times n} $ is the\emph {numerical sparsity}, denoted $\mathsf …
The representation and learning benefits of methods based on graph Laplacians, such as Laplacian smoothing or harmonic function solution for semi-supervised learning (SSL), are …
We give a row sampling algorithm for the quantile loss function with sample complexity nearly linear in the dimensionality of the data, improving upon the previous best algorithm …
Undirected probabilistic graphical models represent the conditional dependencies, or Markov properties, of a collection of random variables. Knowing the sparsity of such a …