The mirage of steady inflation

AM Okun - Brookings papers on economic activity, 1971 - JSTOR
DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE ECONOMY and the profession in recent years have
generated a marked swing toward pessimism in the appraisal of the tradeoff between …

Understanding Inflation in the 1980s

RJ Gordon, RE Hall - Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1985 - JSTOR
THE ASSOCIATION between. he inflation rate and the level of aggregate demand, and the
related concept of the natural unemployment rate, have been perennial Brookings Panel …

The inflation-unemployment trade-off: A critique of the literature

AM Santomero, JJ Seater - Journal of economic literature, 1978 - JSTOR
I. Introduction pWENTY YEARS have passed since Pro-fessor AW Phillips first brought the
attention of the economics profession to the relationship between inflation and …

Nobel lecture: inflation and unemployment

M Friedman - Journal of political economy, 1977 -
In the past several decades, professional views on the relation between inflation and
unemployment have gone through two stages and are now entering a third. The first was the …

[图书][B] The inflation process in the United States

O Eckstein, RE Brinner - 1972 -
Transmitted herewith is a study of the relation between employment and inflation entitled"
The Inflation Process in the United States," by Otto Eckstein and Roger Brinner of Harvard …

The trade-off between inflation and unemployment

F Brechling - Journal of Political Economy, 1968 -
An economic policy which is designed to stabilize aggregate economic activity must be
based on three fundamental decisions. They are, first, the decision on the optimum pressure …

Why is the unemployment rate so high at full employment?

RE Hall, RA Gordon, C Holt - Brookings papers on economic activity, 1970 - JSTOR
THE OUTSTANDING PROBLEM of contemporary macroeconomic policy in the United
States is the unfavorable trade-off that exists between unemployment and inflation. Many …

Changing labor markets and inflation

GL Perry, C Schultze, R Solow, RA Gordon - Brookings Papers on …, 1970 - JSTOR
WHAT RATES OF INFLATION will accompany various unemployment rates? This question
is the central concern of stabilization policy today and also a major source of uncertainty for …

Inflation uncertainty and the Phillips curve: Some empirical evidence

MD Levi, JH Makin - The American Economic Review, 1980 - JSTOR
The coincidence of high rates of un-employment and high rates of inflation, seemingly
apparent in several countries for sustained periods of time, has led to a rethinking of the …

The role of wages in the inflation process

RJ Gordon - The American Economic Review, 1988 - JSTOR
The Phillips curve was initially formulated as a relationship between the rate of wage
change and unemployment, yet what matters for stabilization policy is the rate of inflation …