Attributes coupling based matrix factorization for item recommendation

Y Yu, C Wang, H Wang, Y Gao - Applied Intelligence, 2017 - Springer
Recommender systems have attracted lots of attention since they alleviate the information
overload problem for users. Matrix factorization is one of the most widely employed …

Coupled item-based matrix factorization

F Li, G Xu, L Cao - Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2014 …, 2014 - Springer
The essence of the challenges cold start and sparsity in Recommender Systems (RS) is that
the extant techniques, such as Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Matrix Factorization (MF) …

FeatureMF: an item feature enriched matrix factorization model for item recommendation

H Zhang, I Ganchev, NS Nikolov, Z Ji… - IEEE Access, 2021 -
Matrix Factorization (MF) is one of the most successful Collaborative Filtering (CF)
techniques used in recommender systems due to its effectiveness and ability to deal with …

Two-level matrix factorization for recommender systems

F Li, G Xu, L Cao - Neural Computing and Applications, 2016 - Springer
Many existing recommendation methods such as matrix factorization (MF) mainly rely on
user–item rating matrix, which sometimes is not informative enough, often suffering from the …

Localized matrix factorization for recommendation based on matrix block diagonal forms

Y Zhang, M Zhang, Y Liu, S Ma, S Feng - Proceedings of the 22nd …, 2013 -
Matrix factorization on user-item rating matrices has achieved significant success in
collaborative filtering based recommendation tasks. However, it also encounters the …

Incremental matrix factorization via feature space re-learning for recommender system

Q Song, J Cheng, H Lu - Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on …, 2015 -
Matrix factorization is widely used in Recommender Systems. Although existing popular
incremental matrix factorization methods are effectively in reducing time complexity, they …

Matrix factorization in recommender systems: algorithms, applications, and peculiar challenges

FO Isinkaye - IETE Journal of Research, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Traditional Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the techniques of recommender systems that
has been successfully exploited in various applications, but sometimes they fail to provide …

Matrix factorization meets cosine similarity: addressing sparsity problem in collaborative filtering recommender system

H Wen, G Ding, C Liu, J Wang - … and Applications: 16th Asia-Pacific Web …, 2014 - Springer
Matrix factorization (MF) technique has been widely used in collaborative filtering
recommendation systems. However, MF still suffers from data sparsity problem. Although …

CGMF: coupled group-based matrix factorization for recommender system

F Li, G Xu, L Cao, X Fan, Z Niu - … , Nanjing, China, October 13-15, 2013 …, 2013 - Springer
With the advent of social influence, social recommender systems have become an active
research topic for making recommendations based on the ratings of the users that have …

Confidence-aware matrix factorization for recommender systems

C Wang, Q Liu, R Wu, E Chen, C Liu, X Huang… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Collaborative filtering (CF), particularly matrix factorization (MF) based methods, have been
widely used in recommender systems. The literature has reported that matrix factorization …