The future of cloning | Nature Skip to main content Thank you for visiting You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we …
" Scientists clone adult sheep—triumph of UK raises alarm over human use," ran the first headline announcing the cloning of an adult mammal ten years ago this week. Ian Wilmut at …
Cloners appear to have produced the first healthy copy of an endangered animal. Scientists at Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) in Worcester, Massachusetts, last week said they've got …
As the debate over human cloning in the United States gathers pace, scientists are becoming increasingly concerned that research that has not been peer-reviewed is exerting …
Less than a month ago, investigators at Seoul National University in South Korea announced that cloning researcher Woo Suk Hwang had lied when he claimed his team …
Cumulina. Cupid. Peter. Webster. Diana. Dotcom. Dolly. Once the realm of science fiction, cloned animals are now becoming almost commonplace. In the past 4 years, cows, mice …
This book is partly an account, by a well-known science writer, of the cloning of Dolly the sheep at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues. However, the …
Would you drink milk from a cloned cow? Should we clone extinct or endangered species? Are we justified in using stem cells to develop cures? When will we clone the first human …