The economic returns to field of study and competencies among higher education graduates in Ireland

E Kelly, PJ O'Connell, E Smyth - Economics of Education Review, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper looks at the economic returns to different fields of study in Ireland in 2004 and
also the value placed on various job-related competencies, accumulated on completion of …

The academic takes it all? A comparison of returns to investment in education between graduates and apprentices in Canada

S Kopatz, M Pilz - International Journal for Research in Vocational …, 2015 -
This paper analyses the returns to education of specific occupations in Canada. The
purpose is to scrutinize whether and in how far academic and vocational education do differ …

The returns to academic and vocational qualifications in Britain

L Dearden, S McIntosh, M Myck… - Bulletin of economic …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
This paper uses data from the 1991 sweep of the National Child Development Study
(NCDS) and the 1998 Labour Force Survey (LFS) to provide a comprehensive analysis of …

Overeducation in the graduate labour market: A quantile regression approach

S McGuinness, J Bennett - Economics of Education Review, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper exploits the homogeneity of data from a cohort of Northern Ireland graduates to
explore the extent to which both the incidence and impacts of overeducation are specific to …

Returns to intermediate and low level vocational qualifications

G Conlon, P Patrignani, J Chapman - BIS research paper, 2011 -
Report of a study commissioned by [the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills] BIS
analysing the economic returns associated with intermediate and low level vocational …

[PDF][PDF] Education, earnings and productivity: recent UK evidence

I Walker, Y Zhu - Labour Market Trends, 2003 -
PARTICIPATION IN post-compulsory education has grown dramatically in the UK in recent
times. Participation in higher education doubled in just a few years from the mid 1960s with …

Differences by degree: Evidence of the net financial rates of return to undergraduate study for England and Wales

I Walker, Y Zhu - Economics of Education Review, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper provides estimates of the impact of higher education qualifications on the
earnings of graduates in the UK by subject studied. We use data from the recent UK Labour …

The incidence and effects of overeducation in the UK graduate labour market

P Dolton, A Vignoles - Economics of education review, 2000 - Elsevier
Research indicates that a significant proportion of the US work force (between 11% and
40% of white males) have more education than is actually required for their jobs, ie are …

Measuring the relationship between resources and outcomes in higher education in the UK

CR Belfield, A Fielding - Economics of Education Review, 2001 - Elsevier
This paper relates educational resources in higher education (HE) to labour market earnings
for UK graduates. A positive relationship between (various types of) resources deployed and …

[PDF][PDF] The returns to education: A review of evidence, issues and deficiencies in the literature

C Harmon, H Oosterbeek, I Walker - 2002 -
This paper is concerned with the returns to education. In particular we focus on education as
a private decision to invest in “human capital” and we explore the “internal” rate of return to …