Is There a Right to Clone Constitutional Challenges to Bans on Human Cloning

LB Andrews - Harv. JL & Tech., 1997 - HeinOnline
On December 5, 1997, Richard Seed shocked the scientific community by announcing that
he intended to begin cloning human beings. 2 Seed planned to use the techniques that Ian …

Human cloning and the constitution

CD Forsythe - Valparaiso University Law Review, 1998 - HeinOnline
The recent publicity given to the cloning of a sheep in Scotland and the January 1998
declaration by a Chicago physicist, Richard Seed, that he will attempt to clone a human …

Banning human cloning: A study in the difficulties of defining science

HT Greely - S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ, 1998 - HeinOnline
In legislating, the difficulty of writing a good definition is matched only by its importance.
Dolly the sheep, the first mammal known to be cloned from an adult, 2 is responsible for at …

Does the FDA have authority to regulate human cloning

EC Price - Harv. JL & Tech., 1997 - HeinOnline
The Food and Drug Adininistration (" FDA") recently announced that it has statutory authority
to regulate human cloning. 1 Proclaiming that human cloning raises" serious health and …

FDA regulation of human cloning: usurpation or statesmanship

RA Merrill, BJ Rose - Harv. JL Tech, 2001 - HeinOnline
In February of 1997, The Observer of London reported that a team of researchers at the
Roslin Institute in Scotland had successfully" cloned" a sheep, which they named Dolly.'The …

Reproductive cloning: Can cloning harm the clone

SD Pattinson - Med. L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
Since the creation of Dolly the sheep was reported in February 1997, the possibility of a
cloned child has elicited powerful declarations of condemnation. A widely held view is that …

The constitutional implications of human cloning

EP Foley - Ariz. L. Rev., 2000 - HeinOnline
True to science fiction writer Aldous Huxley's prediction, humankind recently entered a
Brave New World.'In January 1997, scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland annouiced …

Human cloning: is the reach of FDA authority too far a stretch

GJ Rokosz - Seton Hall L. Rev., 1999 - HeinOnline
On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep was born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland'and became the
first offspring born as the result of the transfer of genetic material from a differentiated adult …

The prospect of human cloning: improving nature or dooming the species

JF Daar - Seton Hall. L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
On February 23, 1997, it seemed that the world paused, if only for a moment, to reflect upon
the future of the human species. The announcement by Scottish scientists, Ian Wilmut and …

The wisdom of repugnance: Why we should ban the cloning of humans

LR Kass - Val. UL Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
Our habit of delighting in news of scientific and technological breakthroughs has been sorely
challenged by the birth announcement of a sheep named Dolly. Though Dolly shares with …