CD Forsythe - Valparaiso University Law Review, 1998 - HeinOnline
The recent publicity given to the cloning of a sheep in Scotland and the January 1998 declaration by a Chicago physicist, Richard Seed, that he will attempt to clone a human …
HT Greely - S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ, 1998 - HeinOnline
In legislating, the difficulty of writing a good definition is matched only by its importance. Dolly the sheep, the first mammal known to be cloned from an adult, 2 is responsible for at …
The Food and Drug Adininistration (" FDA") recently announced that it has statutory authority to regulate human cloning. 1 Proclaiming that human cloning raises" serious health and …
RA Merrill, BJ Rose - Harv. JL Tech, 2001 - HeinOnline
In February of 1997, The Observer of London reported that a team of researchers at the Roslin Institute in Scotland had successfully" cloned" a sheep, which they named Dolly.'The …
Since the creation of Dolly the sheep was reported in February 1997, the possibility of a cloned child has elicited powerful declarations of condemnation. A widely held view is that …
True to science fiction writer Aldous Huxley's prediction, humankind recently entered a Brave New World.'In January 1997, scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland annouiced …
On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep was born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland'and became the first offspring born as the result of the transfer of genetic material from a differentiated adult …
On February 23, 1997, it seemed that the world paused, if only for a moment, to reflect upon the future of the human species. The announcement by Scottish scientists, Ian Wilmut and …
Our habit of delighting in news of scientific and technological breakthroughs has been sorely challenged by the birth announcement of a sheep named Dolly. Though Dolly shares with …