Cloning-few words have as much potential to grip our imagination or grab the headlines. No longer the stuff of science fiction or Star Wars-it is happening now. Yet human cloning is …
This book is partly an account, by a well-known science writer, of the cloning of Dolly the sheep at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues. However, the …
Would you drink milk from a cloned cow? Should we clone extinct or endangered species? Are we justified in using stem cells to develop cures? When will we clone the first human …
Animal cloning has developed quickly since the birth of Dolly the sheep. Yet many of the first questions to be raised still need to be answered. What do Dolly and her fellow mouse, cow …
Much of the discussion about cloning focuses on whether the act of cloning is right or wrong, according to some theory of morality. This is a worthy debate, and one that should help …
Cloning is some of the most exciting science and one of the most keenly fought moral debates of our time. Perfect Copy is a uniquely accessible exploration this most vexed and …
Abstract Ten years ago, Ian Wilmut shocked scientists, ethicists, and the public when his team of researchers unveiled Dolly, that very special sheep, the first animal to have been …
Human cloning raises the most profound questions about human nature, our faith in ourselves, and our ability to make decisions that could significantly alter the character of …
Since the creation of Dolly the sheep was reported in February 1997, the possibility of a cloned child has elicited powerful declarations of condemnation. A widely held view is that …