CE Kobuski - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1949 - JSTOR
Of two species only, namely, Laplacea haematoxylon (Sw.) D. Don an L. portoricensis (Klug & Urban) Dyer, could one feel that material amp for complete and satisfactory study had …
CK Allen - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1945 - JSTOR
The present paper was undertaken as groundwork for the presentation of the Lauraceae in the Flora of Panama, which is being published in fascicles by Dr. Robert E. Woodson, Jr., in …
CE Kobuski - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1941 - JSTOR
The genus Cleyera, well known and generally accepted as a distinct genus of the Theaceae by students of the Asiatic flora, has been included under the genus Eurya by workers on the …
CE Kobuski - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1951 - JSTOR
Tree 20-30 m. high (occasionally a shrub); the trunk straight 0.4-0.5 m. in diam.; branches upright at first, then spreading forming a compact head; bark of mature tree brown, as much …
CE Kobuski - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1951 - JSTOR
Pelliciera (described separately)." No further statement was m cerning the ultimate disposition of Pelliciera, which he include descriptions of the genera and in his prepared key …
RL Brooks - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic …, 1933 - JSTOR
This family, known as the" Lauriers" in Trinidad, is of co siderable interest to the Forest Officer, on account both of economic value as providing useful soft woods and of its gene …
CK Allen - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1942 - JSTOR
A word should be inserted at this point about the genus Cryptocarya. There are a few affinities of the Papuasian species to be found in other islands of the Pacific, in Malaya, etc …
RT Clausen - Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 1946 - JSTOR
82 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY CLUB [VOL. 73 a degree of variability far surpassing what might be expected fronm Rydberg's treatment. In table 1, data are presented for several …
EO Wooton - Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 1910 - JSTOR
Until quite recently the species of De/lplzi; izirn found in New Mexico have all been referred to D. azureumr Michx., D. scopulorumn Gray, or D. occidentalis Wats., with a general …