Although gamete donation is often criticized because of the legal and ethical implications associated with the uses of donated gametes, donors provide recipients with a valuable …
SB Angel - Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just., 2007 - HeinOnline
On September 26, 2006, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law Senate Bill 1260 (" SB 1260"), authored by Democratic State Senator Deborah Ortiz and …
M Bercovici - Women's Rts. L. Rep., 2007 - HeinOnline
Advances in science and technology have shown us that the use of embryos and stem cells holds great promise for scientific research and understanding; additionally, it provides …
Given the modern technological advances in medicine and the attention given to the strict regulation of these advances, you may be surprised to learn that the egg donation industry is …
Can we put a price on the human body? This is the uncomfortable and difficult question that the process of human oocyte (egg) donation presents to both the legislator and the cash …
Over the last two decades women's eggs have become increasingly coveted by the fertility business and stem cell researchers.'This Article will show that while egg donation is …
Assisted reproductive technology (" ART"),'including egg donation, 2 is changing the topography of the American family. 3 Heated debates and legislative battles over cloning …
LM Squillace - J. Health & Biomedical L., 2004 - HeinOnline
Egg donation is a reproductive process in which one or more eggs are removed from a donor and transferred to a recipient.'The reproductive practice of egg donation was first …
The increasingly public debate over" embryos" that has recently arisen in the context of stem cell research has revealed deeply divided political, religious, ethical, and policy differences …