Are dissatisfied democrats critical? Reevaluating the concept of the critical citizen

M Fuks, GA Casalecchi, MM Araújo - Opinião Pública, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Several studies have used the terms “critical citizen” and “dissatisfied democrat”
interchangeably, assuming that both address the same citizen profile. However, recent …

Democratic resource or democratic threat? Profiles of critical and uncritical citizens in comparative perspective

B Geissel - Comparative Sociology, 2008 -
Why are some countries democratic and democratize continuously, while others stagnate?
According to theories on political culture, citizens' attitudes are crucial elements. In this …

Political discontent in new democracies: the case of Brazil and Latin America

J Álvaro Moisés - International Review of Sociology, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Political changes related to globalization apparently produce similar effects on old and new
democracies. All over the world, comparative research on democratization has showed that …

[PDF][PDF] Satisfaction with democracy and democratic accountability strategies

Y Wang - Duke University p-2, 2013 -
Using both a cross-national data set on parties' accountability strategies and public opinion
survey data, the paper sets forth a systematic analysis of how parties' reliance on clientelistic …

Critical citizenship and democratic legitimacy

B Reber - Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2022 -
In political science, the theme of critical citizenship is often interpreted negatively and
understood to express distrust. However, criticism can be motivated by positive aspirations …

Dissatisfied democrats: A matter of representation or performance?

S Dahlberg, J Linde, S Holmberg - 2013 -
Research on political support around the world has demonstrated massive support for
democracy as the underlying principle of governance. At the same time many citizens …

Citizens as militant democrats, or: just how intolerant should the people be?

JW Müller - Intolerance, 2022 -
Militant democracy calls for pre-emptive measures against political actors who use
democratic institutions to undermine or outright abolish a democratic political system. Born …

Understanding critical citizenship and other forms of public dissatisfaction: An alternative framework

A Abdelzadeh, J Ekman - Politics, Culture and Socialization, 2012 -
Previous research has paid much attention to citizen dissatisfaction and the trends of
growing political disaffection, cynicism, and scepticism–in short, the emergence of'critical …

Dissatisfied citizens: An asset to or a liability on the democratic functioning of society?

A Abdelzadeh, M Özdemir… - Scandinavian Political …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Past research has shown that, although a majority of citizens in democracies support the
idea of democracy as a form of governance, some tend to be distrustful of democratic …

Disaffected democrats: Political attitudes and political action in Portugal

PC Magalhães - West European Politics, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Three decades after the fall of the Portuguese authoritarian regime, support for democracy
has become widespread among the mass public. However, similarities between Portugal …