GK Brizicky - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1962 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for a generic flora of the southeastern United States, a joint project of the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, made possible through the …
Rhus hirta (L.) Sudworth is based on Datisca hirta L., a name long rejected as a monstrosity but which has priority over Rhus typhina L.(1756). Three formae of the North American …
FA Barkley - The American Midland Naturalist, 1942 - JSTOR
Since the publication of the key to the genera of the Anacardiaceae by Engler in Engler & Prantl's Die nat? rlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3 (5)-. 138-178 in 1892 there seems to have been …
CE Wood - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1961 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for a biologically oriented generic flora of the southeastern United States, a joint project of the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University which has …
GK Brizicky - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1962 - JSTOR
Armed or unarmed trees or shrubs [sometimes scandent or xeromorphic], rarely herbs. Leaves alternate or more rarely opposite, simple or compound, usually glandular-punctate …
KR Robertson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1972 - JSTOR
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs [infrequently shrubs to trees; stems sometimes succulent] with simple and often glandular trichomes; underground stems, rhizomes …
KA Wilson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1960 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for a biologically oriented generic flora of the southeastern United States, a joint project of the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium made possible through the support …
GT Prance - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1970 - JSTOR
1 Prepared for a generic flora of the southeastern United States, a project of the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University made possible through the support …
CE Wood - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1959 - JSTOR
Shrubs or trees with simple, alternate, exstipulate leaves. Flowers com-plete, showy, borne singly in the axils of the leaves. Sepals 5 (6), im-bricate (quincuncial: 2 outside, 2 inside, 1 in …