In November 2004 the voters of California passed Proposition 71 (the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Bond Act), which authorized the expenditure of $3 billion for stem cell …
S Fry-Revere, M Elgin - Available at SSRN 2713155, 2008 -
Abstract The United States Congress and more than 28 state legislatures have considered spending billions of taxpayer dollars on stem cell research over the next several years. The …
JM Waxman, LM Tector - Health Law., 2005 - HeinOnline
As the stem cell debate proceeds, the United States is heading towards a patchwork process of state activity that, although it cries out for a national solution, is likely only to get worse as …
On August 9, 2001, President George W. Bush announced that federal funding of stem cell research would be limited to research involving those cell lines that had been created prior …
Stem cells present an intriguing dilemma. They tantalize with their boundless medical potential, but challenge with equally limitless questions about their ethical consequences. If …
AS Daar, L Sheremeta - Health L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
There are few areas of modern biomedical research that have aroused as much controversy as stem cells. Scientists, physicians, patients and patient advocacy groups tend to …
On August 9, 2001, President George W. Bush announced a change in federal policy allowing federal money to fund embryonic stem (" ES") cell research on selected ES cell …
" We have arrived at that brave new world that seemed so distant in 1932, when Aldous Huxley wrote about human beings created in test tubes," 1 remarked President Bush as he …
Human stem cell research and its possible connection to human cloning (ie, somatic cell nuclear transfer) has been the subject of much debate recently. Significant confusion exists …