McGraw-Hill Education-Europe. Hardback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, Crisis Leadership Now: A Real-World Guide to Preparing for Threats, Disaster, Sabotage, and …
Annotation From tragic accidents to public relations fiascos, we live in an increasingly crisis- ridden society. In fact, half of the major industrial accidents of the past century occurred in …
Responding to the era of crises in which we now live, The Crisis Manager offers wise counsel for anticipating and responding to crises as well as taking the steps required to …
Although now a growing and respectable research field, crisis management—as a formal area of study—is relatively young, having emerged since the 1980s following a succession …
Business leaders would be better served by understanding key crisis concepts and applying them to their own situation rather than relying on crisis advisors to swoop in to take care of a …
Anyone in a leadership position is only too aware that we live in uncertain times: disaster can strike any business, at any time, and usually without warning. Public institutions, too …
WASHINGTON bureaucrats will long remember John F. Kennedy as a President who stood them on their heads. Quick and impatient, he could not understand how Foggy Bottom and …
From the Enron scandal to the Ebola virus scare, from oil spills to acts of terrorism, crises scar our age. And whether it's an expensive product recall or a deadly airplane crash, any …
Silver Award Winner in Advertising/Marketing-Axiom Business Book Awards 2021 How many splashy scandals and crisis situations have befallen companies and public figures in …