The announcement of the sheep Dolly's birth triggered a worldwide discussion about the scientific, legal, and social ramifications of applying that technology to the creation of cloned …
He seemed an unlikely “man of the hour,” as ABC anchor Ted Koppel referred to him in a Nightline interview last week. But when a gangly 69-year-old physicist named Richard Seed …
The news of the first successful cloning of an adult mammal has sent ethical shock waves around the world. As a result, in many countries, officials and even some scientists are …
HUMAN CLONING should be put on hold—but only temporarily, the National Bioethics Commission concluded in a report issued last month." Clearly, there is a need for further …
Abstract Informs that a United States presidential advisory commission on bioethics is expected to recommend in May 1997 a continuation of a ban on the use of federal funds for …
A DEMURE-looking Finn Dorset sheep named Dolly—the first mammal to be cloned from a single adult cell—has touched off both a frenzy of media-spun Frankensteinian scenarios …
Appeals to human dignity, and to the moral obligation to protect it, have been a feature of responses to the cloning of Dolly the sheep (Nature 385, 810–813; 1997). Dr Hiroshi …
Animal cloning has developed quickly since the birth of Dolly the sheep. Yet many of the first questions to be raised still need to be answered. What do Dolly and her fellow mouse, cow …
Tremendous debate was stirred by the announcement of the successful cloning of a sheep from a differentiated somatic cell. One result was that the National Bioethics Advisory …