Employment, inflation and growth

AW Phillips - Economica, 1962 - JSTOR
Employment, Inflation and Growth Page 1 1962] Employment, Inflation and Growth' By AW
PHILLIPS 1. INTRODUCTION Since the end of the second world war economic policy and …

The trade-off between inflation and unemployment

F Brechling - Journal of Political Economy, 1968 - journals.uchicago.edu
An economic policy which is designed to stabilize aggregate economic activity must be
based on three fundamental decisions. They are, first, the decision on the optimum pressure …

Employment theory and employment policy

AP Lerner - The American Economic Review, 1967 - JSTOR
2 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION denial that downward wage flexibility would cure
the unemployment and a great debate between neoclassical economists arguing that with …

The mirage of steady inflation

AM Okun - Brookings papers on economic activity, 1971 - JSTOR
DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE ECONOMY and the profession in recent years have
generated a marked swing toward pessimism in the appraisal of the tradeoff between …

[图书][B] Inflation and unemployment

J Tobin - 1995 - Springer
The world economy today is vastly different from the 1930s, when Seymour Harris, the
chairman of this meeting, infected me with his boundless enthusiasm for economics and his …

[图书][B] The inflation process in the United States

O Eckstein, RE Brinner - 1972 - books.google.com
Transmitted herewith is a study of the relation between employment and inflation entitled"
The Inflation Process in the United States," by Otto Eckstein and Roger Brinner of Harvard …

The inflation-unemployment trade-off: A critique of the literature

AM Santomero, JJ Seater - Journal of economic literature, 1978 - JSTOR
I. Introduction pWENTY YEARS have passed since Pro-fessor AW Phillips first brought the
attention of the economics profession to the relationship between inflation and …

Inflation and economic growth

M Sidrauski - Journal of political economy, 1967 - journals.uchicago.edu
ESPITE the large volume of recent Th literature on economic growth, little has been done to
integrate monetary factors in the explanation of the growth process. Most of the growth …

The process of inflation in the labor market

RE Hall - Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1974 - JSTOR
CHANGES IN AGGREGATE demand are the fundamental source of changes in the price
level. In the long run, the supply of resources determines the volume of real output, the …

Unemployment in a Theory of Growth

H Rose - International Economic Review, 1966 - JSTOR
IT MIGHT BE ARGUED that a stable percentage excess supply of labor is a fact of economic
life in developed countries. The percentage rises in depressions and falls in booms, but on …