M Chamallas - Tex. J. Women & L., 1992 - HeinOnline
In a variety of disciplines, feminist and postmodern scholars have changed the face of their fields by their persistence in investigating the relationship between knowledge and power. 1 …
When are those of you who inflict racism, who appropriate pain, who speak with no knowledge or respect when you ought to know to listen and accept, going to take hard looks …
The phrase sexual harassment was made in America, by women.'It appeared simultaneously in theoretical writing and the popular media. Before the phrase emerged …
Twenty-seven years after Anita Hill testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee that Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her, and as Christine Blasey Ford prepares to testify …
The history of rape in this country has focused on the rape of white women by Black men. From a feminist perspective, two of the most damaging consequences of this selective …
K Crenshaw - Feminist legal theories, 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
I have chosen this title as a point of departure in my efforts to develop a Black feminist criticism2. because it sets forth a problematic consequence of the tendency to treat race and …
* Professor of Law, St. John's University School of Law. AB, Brown University; JD, Yale Law School. I thank The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice for inviting me to participate in the …
As a white woman, I want to respond to Catharine MacKinnon's recent essay subtitled" What is a White Woman Anyway?"'I am troubled both by the essay's defensive tone and by its …
Anita Hill, Angela Harris, Lani Guinier, and others address a range of subjects on the legal status of women of color In Critical Race Feminism, Anita Hill, Lani Guinier, Regina Austin …