In selecting work for the present year, our attention was, called to the comparatively untried field of North American Amaranthacexe. The only systematic work since Moquin-Tandon's …
Annual or perennial cinereous-pubescent herbs with opposite leaves and opposite or whorled spikes, flowers subtended by three scarious bracts (the laterals strongly imbricated) …
? 2. Sepals 5, oblong with mucronate tip, or acute, pungent pointed, not conspicuously nerved, mostly unequal (the outer one long and spiny pointed), thin or somewhat thickened …
PC Standley - Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 1914 - JSTOR
The two new species of Amaranthus described below were detected by the author while revising this genus for the North American Flora. It was scarcely to have been expected that …
As a result of the intensive exploration of certain parts of South America during the last years, a considerable herbarium material of Amaranthaceae has accumulated necessitating …
KR Robertson - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 1981 - JSTOR
Annual or perennial herbs, often woody at the base, infrequently lianas [or shrubs or trees]; stems erect to decumbent, trailing, or climbing, simple or much branched, unarmed or rarely …
ED Merrill - American Journal of Botany, 1936 - JSTOR
Fig. 1. A, type specimen of Amaranthus virids Lin., herb. Linn. B, C, enlarged rugose utricles of Amaranthus gracilis Desv.= A. viridis Linn. the opening statement, certainly in reference to …
FR Fosberg - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 1941 - JSTOR
Amaranthus tricolor L.[Amaranthaceae] In Species plantarum, ed. 1, p. 989, 1753, Linnaeus described Amaranthus tricolor, A. melancholicus, and A. tristis, distinguished by trifling …