The impact of organizational social web site usage on work performance: A multilevel structural interaction perspective

P Raeth, M Kugler, S Smolnik - 2012 45th Hawaii International …, 2012 -
Recent research endeavors have shown that knowledge sharing improves not only
organizational idea development and innovation, but also work performance. In that matter …

Knowledge sharing in the workplace: A social networking site assessment

G Harden - 2012 45th Hawaii international conference on …, 2012 -
Enterprise executives are taking note that great potential exists for enhancing knowledge
sharing and linking experts within the organization when incorporating social software …

Network sharing beyond knowledge sharing: The mediating role of Tertius Iungens orientation in social media contexts

KY Kwahk, DH Park - 2015 48th Hawaii International …, 2015 -
This study examines the influences of knowledge-sharing activities and tertius iungens
orientation on job performance within social media environments. Through empirical …

Measuring the Impact of Organizational Social WebSite Usage on Work Performance: A MultilevelModel

P Raeth, M Kügler, S Smolnik - 2011 -
This paper describes the development of a multilevel model for investigating the impact of
organizational social web site (SWS) usage on individual and team performance. Despite …

Organizational social computing and employee job performance: the knowledge access route

H Ali-Hassan, D Nevo, H Kim… - 2011 44th Hawaii …, 2011 -
This paper presents an empirical study investigating the impact of organizational social
computing on employees' innovative and in-role job performance. Specifically, we suggest …

You reap what you sow? How knowledge exchange effectiveness is affected by different types of communication in enterprise social media

M Risius, R Beck - 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference …, 2014 -
The way in which people communicate affects their relationship building, social network
structures and ultimately the knowledge they receive through their connections. For …

Better together: Exploring the effects of knowledge application, support for innovation and team characteristics on team performance

I Seeber, G Waldhart, R Maier, M Hecht… - 2013 46th Hawaii …, 2013 -
In the context of designing supportive organizational and IT-based measures, understanding
the effects of knowledge application and the support for innovation in different team settings …

Theorizing, measuring, and predicting knowledge sharing behavior in organizations-a social capital approach

CY Wah, B Loh, T Menkhoff… - Proceedings of the 38th …, 2005 -
This study aims to understand the social and organizational factors that influence knowledge
sharing. A model of knowledge management and knowledge sharing was developed …

We-intention, moral trust, and self-motivation on accelerating knowledge sharing in social collaboration

D Karna, I Ko - 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on …, 2015 -
More than billions of people are networked and connected together to create, collaborate
and contribute their knowledge. The new world of collaboration and communication has …

Social capital and knowledge sharing in online communities: A mediation model

SPM Law, MK Chang - 2012 45th Hawaii International …, 2012 -
Social capital theory has been used widely to explain knowledge contribution. However,
most of the previous studies have focused on investigating the direct impact of social capital …