Test of suspension velocity of granular fertilizer based on EDEM-Fluent coupling

WEN Xiangyu, JIA Honglei, Z Shengwei… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 - nyjxxb.net
Suspension velocity is one of the main aerodynamic characteristics of materials, and it is an
important basic data for the design of pneumatic conveying system. A reference for the …

Design and experiment of pneumatic wheat precision seed casting device in rice-wheat rotation areas

W Chao, LI Hongwen, HE Jin, W Qingjie… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 - nyjxxb.net
In order to realize wheat precision seeding under clay-wet soil conditions of rice-wheat
rotation area, a pneumatic wheat precision seed casting device was developed that casting …


杨庆璐, 王庆杰, 李洪文, 何进… - Transactions of the …, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
针对气力集排式排肥系统与分层深施肥铲配合作业时, 进肥口处肥料落入不顺畅以及排肥口处
气流速度过大导致肥料弹跳和地表扬尘等问题, 该研究通过分析排肥系统各部件结构参数与工作 …

Optimization and experiment of pneumatic seed metering device with guided assistant filling based on EDEM-CFD

SHI Song, LIU Hu, WEI Guojian, Z Jilei… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 - nyjxxb.net
According to the declining seed quality of the air suction seed metering device guided with
assistant seed-filling caused by high speed operation in the field, the design of the seed …

Design and Test of Unloading Mechanism of Air-suction Seed Metering Device

D Li, Y Li, Z Dongxing, CUI Tao, LI Yuhuan… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 - nyjxxb.net
In order to solve the problem of missing seeding caused by small impurities or damaged
seeds blocking suction holes under the action of adsorption force in the process of filling …


王宝龙, 王在满, 罗锡文, 张明华… - Transactions of the …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
为提高杂交稻气力滚筒集排式精量排种器的排种精度, 该文设计了一种楔形搅种装置,
以解决滚筒型排种器由于充种时间短和吸种区稻种架空造成吸种精度低的问题. 以厚度1, 2 和1 …

Parametric Design and Test of Seed Cleaning Mechanism of Air-suction Maize Seed-metering Device

D Li, Y Li, Z Dongxing, CUI Tao - … /Transactions of the Chinese Society of …, 2019 - nyjxxb.net
In order to solve the problem of high multiple index of air-suction metering device and the
difficulty in ensuring the rationality of design of clearing mechanism, the seed clearing …

Design and Experiment of Mung Bean Precision Seed-metering Device with Disturbance for Promoting Seed Filling

LI Yuhuan, WEI Ya'nan, Y Li, Z Dongxing… - Nongye Jixie Xuebao …, 2020 - nyjxxb.net
Mung bean is the main edible bean in China, which has high economic and edible value.
However, the current level of mechanized planting of mung bean in China is still low, and …


黄小毛, 张顺, 朱耀宗, 刘宇 - Transactions of the Chinese …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
而出现播种成条效果不佳甚至串行的问题, 该研究对折叠式投种装置的投种过程进行了分析和 …


高筱钧, 徐杨, 张东兴, 杨丽, 鲁兵… - Transactions of the …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
为满足在高速条件下玉米精量播种的要求, 从工作原理出发, 设计一种可从根本上解决因高速
作业带来的充种性能不佳, 清种结构复杂等问题的高速精量排种器, 其利用高速作业产生的 …