
孙启忠, 柳茜, 李峰, 陶雅… - Acta Prataculturae …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
苜蓿的起源与传播, 既是一个历史问题, 也是一个理论问题, 不仅是草学界和草史界的重要研究
课题, 也是农学界乃至农史界的重要研究课题. 苜蓿作为一种古老的栽培作物 …

A brief review of the origin and dissemination of Alfalfa

Q SUN, Q LIU, F LI, Y TAO, L XU - Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2019 - cyxb.magtech.com.cn
The origin and spread of alfalfa has not only a taxonomic dimension, but also a historical
one. Awareness of alfalfa's origins is important background knowledge in the field of forage …


刘啸虎, 陈叶群 - Agricultural Archaeology, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
伴随养马业的需求与饲料的匮乏, 苜蓿作为优质牧草在西汉被引种入华. 两汉之际政治中心东移
洛阳, 苜蓿被随之向黄河中下游地区推广. 魏晋南北朝时期苜蓿在北方的种植远盛于南方 …


刘爽, 惠富平 - Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
基于对中国古籍库与中国方志库中的苜蓿记载的考察, 发现苜蓿名实的流变呈现出两种迥然不同
的面貌. 即古籍记载中苜蓿名实相对单一明了, 对苜蓿花色的指向比较明晰; 方志中则比较复杂 …


孙启忠, 柳茜, 陶雅, 李峰, 徐丽君 - 草业学报, 2019 - cyxb.magtech.com.cn
华北及毗邻地区是我国近代农业变革的重要区域, 受西学东渐的影响, 农业技术有明显的进步.
苜蓿作为华北及毗邻地区(河北, 察哈尔, 北平, 天津, 河南, 山西, 绥远, 山东及苏北地区) …

Textual research on the cultivation and utilization of alfalfa in North China and adjacent areas in modern times

Q SUN, Q LIU, Y TAO, F LI, L XU - Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2019 - cyxb.magtech.com.cn
North China and its adjacent areas are major centres of 20th century agricultural
transformation in China. Obvious changes in agricultural technology were evident, partly …